Sunday, September 19, 2010


What qualities are most important for a project leader to be effective? Over the past few years, the people at ESI International, world leaders in Project Management Training, have looked in to what makes an effective project leader. With the unique opportunity to ask some of the most talented project leaders in the world on their Project Leadership courses ESI have managed to collect a running tally on their responses. Below are the top 10 in rank order according to frequency listed.

Inspires a Shared Vision

An effective project leader is often described as having a vision of where to go and the ability to articulate it. Visionaries thrive on change and being able to draw new boundaries. It was once said that a leader is someone who "lifts us up, gives us a reason for being and gives the vision and spirit to change." Visionary leaders enable people to feel they have a real stake in the project. They empower people to experience the vision on their own. According to Bennis "They offer people opportunities to create their own vision, to explore what the vision will mean to their jobs and lives, and to envision their future as part of the vision for the organisation." (Bennis, 1997)

Good Communicator

The ability to communicate with people at all levels is almost always named as the second most important skill by project managers and team members. Project leadership calls for clear communication about goals, responsibility, performance, expectations and feedback.
There is a great deal of value placed on openness and directness. The project leader is also the team's link to the larger organisation. The leader must have the ability to effectively negotiate and use persuasion when necessary to ensure the success of the team and project. Through effective communication, project leaders support individual and team achievements by creating explicit guidelines for accomplishing results and for the career advancement of team members.


One of the most important things a project leader must remember is that his or her actions, and not words, set the modus operandi for the team. Good leadership demands commitment to, and demonstration of, ethical practices. Creating standards for ethical behaviour for oneself and living by these standards, as well as rewarding those who exemplify these practices, are responsibilities of project leaders. Leadership motivated by self-interest does not serve the well being of the team. Leadership based on integrity represents nothing less than a set of values others share, behaviour consistent with values and dedication to honesty with self and team members. In other words the leader "walks the talk" and in the process earns trust.


Plain and simple, we don't like leaders who are negative - they bring us down. We want leaders with enthusiasm, with a bounce in their step, with a can-do attitude. We want to believe that we are part of an invigorating journey - we want to feel alive. We tend to follow people with a can-do attitude, not those who give us 200 reasons why something can't be done. Enthusiastic leaders are committed to their goals and express this commitment through optimism. Leadership emerges as someone expresses such confident commitment to a project that others want to share his or her optimistic expectations. Enthusiasm is contagious and effective leaders know it.


What is the difference between empathy and sympathy? Although the words are similar, they are, in fact, mutually exclusive. According to Norman Paul, in sympathy the subject is principally absorbed in his or her own feelings as they are projected into the object and has little concern for the reality and validity of the object's special experience. Empathy, on the other hand, presupposes the existence of the object as a separate individual, entitled to his or her own feelings, ideas and emotional history (Paul, 1970). As one student so eloquently put it, "It's nice when a project leader acknowledges that we all have a life outside of work."


Simply put, to enlist in another's cause, we must believe that that person knows what he or she is doing. Leadership competence does not however necessarily refer to the project leader's technical abilities in the core technology of the business. As project management continues to be recognised as a field in and of itself, project leaders will be chosen based on their ability to successfully lead others rather than on technical expertise, as in the past. Having a winning track record is the surest way to be considered competent. Expertise in leadership skills is another dimension in competence. The ability to challenge, inspire, enable, model and encourage must be demonstrated if leaders are to be seen as capable and competent.

Ability to Delegate Tasks

Trust is an essential element in the relationship of a project leader and his or her team. You demonstrate your trust in others through your actions - how much you check and control their work, how much you delegate and how much you allow people to participate. Individuals who are unable to trust other people often fail as leaders and forever remain little more that micro-managers, or end up doing all of the work themselves. As one project management student put it, "A good leader is a little lazy." An interesting perspective!

Cool Under Pressure

In a perfect world, projects would be delivered on time, under budget and with no major problems or obstacles to overcome. But we don't live in a perfect world - projects have problems. A leader with a hardy attitude will take these problems in stride. When leaders encounter a stressful event, they consider it interesting, they feel they can influence the outcome and they see it as an opportunity. "Out of the uncertainty and chaos of change, leaders rise up and articulate a new image of the future that pulls the project together." (Bennis 1997) And remember - never let them see you sweat.

Team-Building Skills

A team builder can best be defined as a strong person who provides the substance that holds the team together in common purpose toward the right objective. In order for a team to progress from a group of strangers to a single cohesive unit, the leader must understand the process and dynamics required for this transformation. He or she must also know the appropriate leadership style to use during each stage of team development. The leader must also have an understanding of the different team players styles and how to capitalise on each at the proper time, for the problem at hand.

Problem Solving Skills

Although an effective leader is said to share problem-solving responsibilities with the team, we expect our project leaders to have excellent problem-solving skills themselves. They have a "fresh, creative response to here-and-now opportunities," and not much concern with how others have performed them. (Kouzes 1987)


Bennis, W., 1997. "Learning to Lead," Addison-Wesley, MA.
Kouzes, J. M: "The Leadership Challenge," Jossey-Bass Publishers, CA.
Norman: Parental Empathy. Parenthood, Little, Brown, NY.

Taken from:

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Peachtree Accounting software

  • Peachtree Accounting has been in production since the early days of computing, as its original owners founded Peachtree Software in 1978. Since then, Peachtree has steadily improved its software into one of the most comprehensive business accounting programs on the market. Acquired in 1998 by Sage Software, the program features many compelling features that can be an asset to most businesses.

  • Its History

  • One of the biggest advantages of using the Peachtree software is its age. The original program was written in 1978 and has endured more than three decades. The endurance of the software showcases not only its usefulness, but also the trust businesses have placed in it over the years.

  • Business Analytics

  • In its 2010 version, Peachtree Accounting fully integrated analytical software into its features. With this feature, you will be able to compare your company's revenue, gross margins and sales with competitors, see how your company ranks within your industry and view financial trends that are relevant to your business practices.

  • Multiple Accounts

  • Peachtree Accounting allows you to open accounts for different companies under the same user name. In other words, if you operate more than one business, you will be able to view each company's financial information and manage all accounts from the same screen. While this seems like a simple feature, most other business accounting programs force you to have completely separate accounts and will not allow you to have them open at the same time.

  • Automatic Backups

  • Peachtree Accounting comes bundled with the Peachtree Automatic Backup program. With this program, you do not have to worry about setting up backups every night. You configure the backup program upon installation and it will regularly backup all your data for you. You can backup to an off-site server or to an on-site external hard drive. Backups are important because your company's financial information is, arguably, the most important information to have in case of a fire or system failure. With the automatic backup feature, not only is your financial information safe, but it also saves your client list, a complete transaction history and employee management files.

  • Ever-improving technology

  • Peachtree Accounting is the bread and butter of Sage Software's business plan. As such, the company is constantly working to improve the program with better technology. For example, with the 2010 release, Peachtree included a brand new database framework that makes it easier for companies to use the program in multi-user environments and makes the program more stable than its predecessors.

  • Taken from:

    Wednesday, May 12, 2010

    Getting the Promotion you deserve

    Tired of being stuck at the same post? Didn’t get the promotion you deserved? You are not alone. A lot of people have faced the situation once or twice, down the road. There is no doubt that getting rewarded is the biggest motivation for a person to excel at his job, but not everyone can get the promotions they hope for. No one can determine for sure whether or not an employee will get promoted or not, regardless of his performance at work. There are often situations when a less deserving or hardworking employee gets promoted over a better colleague, with no obvious explanation or rationale behind the action. What you must keep in mind is that sometimes just getting the job done right is not enough to bag a promotion and you have to go the extra mile to show your potential. Before you start aiming for a promotion, you have to make sure that you are eligible for the job you are aiming for and have the capabilities to handle the job. This can be one of the prime reasons why you have been overlooked for a promotion in the past. However, if you feel like you are both qualified and capable of doing your job properly, and can handle more responsibility, there are quite a few things you can do to get the much desired promotion.
    Useful Tips For Getting Promoted
    The following are tested and tried methods that work wonders when you are gearing towards a promotion. However, the trick is to not push too hard or test your luck too far.
    Do Your Homework
    Keep in mind that when you go ask your boss for the promotion, you need to know what to say. Make a note of your skills, the effort you have put into the company over the given time period and your significant achievements. Moreover, do a little research on what the next level of job holds for you. Be prepared to explain to your superior how your experience and knowledge base will be beneficial for that specific position.
    Ask For Promotion
    The first and most important thing that you need to realize is that you cannot sit and wait for the superiors to automatically promote you to the higher level, because that will probably never happen. In order to get a promotion, you have to make yourself visible and ask for the promotion. Make sure that you interact with the superiors from time to time.
    Time It Perfectly
    Find out if there is a position open because it can drastically increase the chances of your getting the promotion, if there is an opening within the organization. Timing can be of essence in securing the promotion that you always wanted. If there are no openings in the organization, then the best time to ask for a promotion would be right after you have accomplished a significant task assigned to you that benefitted the company.
    Keep Learning
    Constantly learning new skills and polishing your old ones is a key factor in getting promoted. If you just keep on repeating your everyday duties without aiming for improvement, there is a very good chance that you will be ignored or bypassed when the time for promotions comes near.
    Send The Message
    The most important thing is to let your superior know that you are ready to move up the ladder and are willing to undergo further training for the post, if required. Moreover, show the superiors that you are more than capable of effectively handling the responsibilities that come with the next level.
    Show Initiative
    In order to get promoted, you must be proactive at your job by taking initiatives and recommending new projects and coming up with innovative ideas. This will send a clear message to your manager that you can be even more valuable to the company in the long run.
    Get Involved
    The biggest mistake you can do is to become too focused on your work, so much so that you fail to grasp the working of your company in a broader perspective. While performing your daily tasks, you should put in the extra time in observing how various departments function. This can prove to be of immense help when you ask for a promotion as not many employees go beyond what’s happening in their own department.
    Work Hard
    While all the other factors play a very vital role in securing your promotion, you have to keep in mind that the one thing that you cannot be successful without is ‘hard work.’ At no point should you forget that when an employer considers an employee for a promotion, the first thing he will evaluate is the quality and quantity of work. You have to take your work seriously and put in your best effort while working on assignments. Your employer should be aware that you are more than capable of performing your duties and need not to be supervised.
    Quantify Your Success
    Almost as important as working hard is letting the superiors know about your hard work. Make sure that you tactfully appraise the manager of your efforts and achievements, from time to time.
    Show Professional Etiquettes
    Developing a good relationship with your boss and colleagues is the key to success in a work place. An employee who is disruptive and shows now regard for his co-worker can hardly expect a promotion. Work place ethics go a long way, not only with the managers but also with the colleagues who might put in a good word for you, even if unknowingly.
    Bottom Line
    Promotions and appraisals are a tricky business and the managers or supervisors might not always be fair in the process. However, you have to be sure that the problem does not lie at your end, if you are being constantly overlooked for promotion by your superiors. Try to give your maximum output and follow all the tips provided above. If you are still not promoted, then you should look into the structure of the company you are working at. There are some organizations where there are limited or no growth opportunities. In such a scenario, the best option would be to find another company and a job where there is room for growth. Keep in mind; you should apply for a job that is in accordance with your work experience and expertise.

    Free Dictionary

    Sunday, April 11, 2010

    Digital Social Networking


    What are social networking sites?

    Social networking sites (SNSs) like facebook, twitter, orkut, bebo are built upon the concept of customary
    social networks where one connects to new people through people you already know. The purpose of
    networking sites was purely social initially which was focused on making new friendships with no border
    limitations. However, later, these sites became a useful medium for advertisements of businesses and the
    work of celebrities.

    Although the graphical layout of social networking sites differ, they all allow to provide information about the
    person using it and offer some type of communication mechanism (forums, chat rooms, email, instant
    messenger) that enables one to connect with other users. On some sites, people having certain criteria like
    education, work, location etc. can be found and sent an invitation to become friend.

    Uses of social networking websites

    New uses are now being seen as the popularity of internet and SNSs are on rise.
    The main reason of emerging trends in social networking sites is the concept of "real time communication."
    Real time communication let users to contribute content, which is then broadcasted as soon as it is uploaded.
    Facebook, Orkut and Twitter work on this principle which are the most used networking sites in Pakistan.

    One popular use for this new technology is social networking between businesses. Companies have found that
    social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are great ways to build their brand image. These
    companies become able to attract online users’ traffic to their own online sites while encouraging their
    consumers and clients to have discussions on how to improve or change products or services. For this service
    they have to pay to the sites mostly on per-click basis.

    One other use that is being in fashion is the sharing of knowledge by professionals. Finance, marketing,
    medical and engineering professionals are leading this competition. They share their views and get feedback
    from their colleagues, students, teachers and net-friends. They think it to be necessary for their professional
    development as well as their market reputation and goodwill.

    Social networks are also being used by teachers and students as a communication tool. Teachers and
    professors are doing everything from creating chat-room forums and groups to extend classroom discussion to
    posting assignments, tests and quizzes, to assisting with homework outside of the classroom setting.

    are also using these sites to offer their services to students who are already on these sites in large numbers.
    Moreover, students are using these sites for creating job and internship opportunities for them. For this
    purpose LinkedIn is the best social networking site. This site has gained so much acceptability that it is now
    considered an additional plus point to include the profile address to one’s own resume.
    Security issues of social sites

    Social networking sites rely mostly on anonymous connections and communication, so they encourage
    providing a certain amount of personal information. When deciding how much information to reveal, people
    may not exercise the same amount of caution as they would when meeting someone in person because the
    internet provides a sense of anonymity and hence a feeling of security and people want to offer insights to
    impress potential friends or associates.

    While the majority of people using these sites do not pose a threat, malicious people may be drawn to them
    because of the accessibility and amount of personal information that's available. The more information
    malicious and fraudulent people have about the person, the easier it is for them to take advantage of him. In a
    poll by internet security firm Sophos, it was found that more than 60 per cent of people viewed Facebook to
    pose the biggest threat of spam and viruses.

    Moreover, profiles on online SNSs can be downloaded and stored by third parties, creating a digital database
    of personal data.

    SN members disclose personal information using the network itself e.g. length of connections, other users’
    profiles visited and messages sent. SNSs provide a central repository accessible to a single provider. The high
    value of SNSs suggests that such data is being used to considerable financial gain.
    Additionally, because of the popularity of these sites, attackers may use them to distribute malicious code.
    Sites that offer applications developed by third parties are particularly susceptible. Attackers may be able to
    create customized applications that appear to be innocent while infecting your computer without your

    Nowadays, a big issue of fake profiles has risen here in Pakistan. Fake people are pretending to be celebrities,
    players and political personalities to develop their network just for their own satisfaction or there may be
    some criminal minds working behind this activity.

    Employee misdeeds have increased and are a constant threat to the companies. Disclosure of company’s
    confidential information is of great market and strategy loss to the company. Of course you know that your
    employees know that too. However, while their prowl on these social networking sites and give away their
    personal information, they also mention where they work. Now identity thieves can reconstruct all sorts of
    information from similar profiles and misuse it.

    Protecting yourself

    Although always on the danger end, one can save oneself by adhering to the following safety measures at the
     Do not accept pop-ups or prompts for software, unless you are armed with web scanner software
    which checks each site for infections prior to access.
     Do not ever provide, post, or submit any confidential personal data (e.g. banking details).
     Do not accept friend requests or request friends that you personally do not know.
     Protect your account with strong passwords that cannot easily be guessed. Never auto save your
    password information, and clear your history at regular intervals. Also keep changing your
    password. The online survey conducted by AVG and the CMO Council has shown that 64 percent of
    users never change their password.
     Do not use SNSs on public computers.
     Never post your personal information that you would not like strangers (internet friends) to know. Do
    not post your schedules as well.
     Installing Anti-virus software protects you from most known viruses and shields your computer
    against them, so you may be able to detect and remove the virus before damage done. Keep it update
    as well. Anti hacking software may also help.
     Profile privacy should be set to maximum so that the unknown people can see the minimum
    information on your profile unless you add them as your friend.
     Click the links with care.

    Save your children

    You take every decision about your children about everything. Why allow them to be on their own while on
    internet where they are exposed to every danger.
    1. It is rightly said keeping an eye on the friends of the children is more important than keeping an eye
    on your own children. Always check who the friends of your children are.
    2. Check regularly what sites your children visit.
    3. Talk to them to avoid sex talk. I agree it would be difficult in our society. However, at the minimum
    keep the PC at an open place in the house where everyone can see what is being done on internet.
    4. Limit the time which your kids spend on internet.
    5. Ensure the proper maintaining of logs of what is being done by children in your absence.
    6. Make your children aware of the misinformation and hate spread on internet.
    7. Enlighten them about what to post on internet. Tell them that any information posted cannot be
    taken back even if deleted.
    8. Ensure your kids do not use full names or post very personal photographs.
    9. Ensure that your children never meet any person with whom they were connected on internet
    without any previous relation.

    What to expect in 2010?

    Not only has the volume of threats escalated dramatically, but the delivery methods have become more
    sophisticated. Cyber criminals increasingly leverage the headlines or news of the day to attack unsuspecting
    consumers. Celebrity death or scandals, natural disasters will be used by criminals to find a way to conceal
    their malware in the headlines you want to read and the bits of conversation you're already having.
    The hubs of communication, Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, MySpace, will become major targets for cyber
    criminals, McAfee predicts.

    Although consumers know to be wary of Web links sent by strangers, they tend to trust Web links and e-mail
    messages sent by friends and family. But online attackers are learning how to exploit that trust, by delivering
    malware that appears to come from Facebook friends, Twitter followers and friends' e-mail accounts.

    Are you addicted to social networking?

    You are a social networking addict when:
    1. You lose sleep over SNSs.
    2. Your mind is thinking about getting onto internet even when at other work.
    3. The thought of getting offline pinches you.

    SNSs... The unleashed evils?

    Is it really true? Can we do better and live peacefully by leaving social networking and step back again into
    non-digital mediums for social interaction and that also to a limited boundary? No, this won’t work, as social
    networking has established foothold in the everyday lives of millions and according to Globe Scan Poll, 75
    percent of the people of the world consider internet as basic necessity of life.
    The perceived value of SNSs far surpasses the potential threats. Now, the question of security becomes of
    utmost importance for which the people need to be educated at the Government level just for a short time.

    Wednesday, March 24, 2010

    Office Etiquettes

    Politeness and proper decorum are not outdated issues in the workplace of the '90s---according to Paula K. Morning, an independent business consultant and director of development for the SOS Community Crisis Centre in Ypsilanti. Take charge of what is yours, maintain proper decorum at all times and always treat others the way you want to be treated. Here are some office etiquettes that one can follow.

    To be on time is very important especially if you have an appointment. It shows that you respect the time of your colleagues and in turn it will compel them to respect your time too. Always keep in mind that ‘Time and tide wait for no one’.

    Stay Away From Gossip

    It can cause a lot of unnecessary stress which should be avoided at all costs. You would not want someone to gossip about you and neither will the next person. In some cases, if the source of some malicious gossip can be traced back to you, then your job can be in jeopardy or at least your reputation and respect.
    Be Polite

    You must not be loud in the professional work environment, be soft while you are on the phone or while talking to a colleague. If you have received a personal call on your mobile phone then walk down to the corridor to take the call. Taking care of this will show that you respect the work that your colleagues are doing by not disturbing them with your loudness.
    Avoid Strong Perfumes

    If you use strong perfumes, you can end up suffocating the entire place with your perfume which is closed and the air conditioners do not provide solutions to this. Moreover, I would also advice you to avoid bring strong smelling lunch like fish to office especially if you are planning to have it at your desk.

    Say Sorry

    Accept your mistake if you are wrong. Accepting your mistake will not make you vulnerable to any danger rather it will make you respectable in others’ eyes. Your work will also become unstained with the passage of time.

    Dress Properly

    Many offices have a predefined dress code that has to be followed very strictly. However, if you do have the privilege of working at a place which does not define a dress code, then it is up to you to dress appropriately. Office is not a party place and you will have to dress in a way that commands respect both from your colleagues and clients.

    Be Regular

    People should see you in office. Too many offs would show your unimportance at office. The work may also suffer on the other hand. This habit is a real threat to your job as well.

    Always Remain Fresh

    Do not show your feelings and expressions of what is happening outside the office. Office is not the place where you should want others to sympathize with you. What has happened in your house or with your friends or in university has nothing to do with the office.

    Ask Before Borrowing

    If you are at good terms with your colleague then it may appear alright if you borrowed a stapler or a marker from their desk without asking. Well, the fact of the matter is that it is not alright. It is imperative that you ask and then borrow. This attitude of yours will ensure that people also treat your things with the same respect and your things are not missing (read borrowed) when you get back to your seat after a meeting.

    These are just some basic etiquette that you can follow in a professional work environment. However, it is more important to ensure that to behave decently and courteously. I truly believe that if you treat people in the way that you would like them to treat you, then it is more than half the battle won and people usually end up respecting to equally.

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    Why and how friendships are broken?

    I have been seeing people for times becoming worst enemies from good friends but never got enough feelings to feel the pain of that broken relationship. This may be because of my nature about which some of my friends say that I am an emotionless person almost. But now I have pondered over the reasons of broken friendships and I have experienced some of them too.

    But as we proceed, we have to categorize the classes in which friendships can fall. These may be,

    ·         Emotional friends

    ·         Professional friends

    ·         Social friends and 

    ·         Just friends

    The most which I like are the emotional friends. These are the real friends which one can have. These friends have a perfect mindset and understanding with you, the thoughts are compatible and the issues are the same and sharing of problems is on the higher end. Always seen as one and always treated as the same by others.
    friendship006.gif image by cherrbam
    Professional friends are the people you know in good terms due to the same field. Accountants know many accountants; doctors are buddies with doctors and businessmen are friends with businessmen etc. Social friends are friends of the internet, entertainment clubs etc. The remaining are ‘just friends’ and include people whom you meet after a long time and remember them, your old school or college fellows to whom you never spoke at that time.

    All these relations can be broken but the pain lies under the breaking of the emotional friendship. I, some days back, received a mobile message which goes like ‘Always take care of your friends because when friendship is broken, it doesn’t make noise.’ And this is true; we only can feel the broken relationships.

    Reasons of friendship ending may be finding of some new friends and forming a new group and trying to depart the old group.

    Change in financial position may be another reason. Not an important one, but still very applicable and this supports the saying of Hazrat Ali (R.A.) that (meaning not exact words) on getting wealthy, people are not changed but exposed.

    Sense of deprivation is the most heinous and devastating reason which a friend may find to cut himself off from others. A person might think that is inferior to other friends in the group and may want to leave them.

    Ignoring others may be a factor which initiates the feeling of being ignored and that may become a point of separation of friends. Respect can be earned when we give proper respect to others.

    Harsh and violent joking may provoke some other person which may lead to the conclusion of the friendship in a negative manner. This should not be the case as we have to respect the feelings of the other. Moreover, we should see where the other person is feeling annoyed and should stop ourselves at the same point. This is the problem which most close friends always face. I am also much frightened by this as I still have not found any solution to this as if I say anyone to stop, they would say that we are joking and when some bad event occurs, we cannot reverse ourselves to the earlier positions. We should make in mind that friendship is diamond and brother-relation is gold. When there is extra heating on diamond or a crack in diamond, it is reduced to nothing. But gold becomes purer if the same thing happens to it. A point of disrespect when comes to heart cannot be forgotten, a thread when broken can be joined but with a knot only and same is true in case of friendship.

    Friends should have respect among one another and this is the only reason to be friends for life. Remember that you do not have to retain emotional friends as you may want to retain professional friends. Retaining a friendship means that your hearts or minds are not compatible with each other but you have to keep up with the other person due to some reasons which are mostly personal gains. The professional friendship is mostly based on mutual benefits and interests, whereas the emotional friendship is based purely on the acceptability of each other by heart.

    Tuesday, March 23, 2010

    How to write a CV...Facts uncovered

    There are two main styles of presenting a CV:

    1.      Chronological CVs are traditional; they list previous employers and job roles with them in detail, and are suited to professionals who have a formal history of experience.

    2.      Functional or skills CVs are better suited to contractors, graduates, people who have moved around a lot or taken time out to pursue charity work or similar activities. They are also useful when making a complete career change i.e. from finance to IT. These types of CVs are more descriptive and focus more on skills and direct experience.

    How long should your CV be?

    The overwhelming opinion from recruiters is that a single summary page and a secondary page with employment history and education details perfectly makes good sense.
    For professionals, I recommend a combination of the two - a skills-based summary page, followed by a chronology of experience.

    The summary page

    All modern CVs now include a summary page. Remember that the recruiters may have received many CVs for a single position, and can find it tiresome to go through pages in detail, often glossing over the important bits and ruling out your chances for an interview.
    The summary page is a chance to make an impact, and it gives you a chance to show off your personality and personal attributes. If it is well presented and articulate, it will speak for itself.

    Begin by including your contact details, letterhead style.

    Profile This is a descriptive overview of your professional profile. It occupies most of the summary page and consists of three key elements:
    1. A descriptive introduction of your professional designation (e.g. a Management Accountant or web designer), backed up by key features of your professional self, and also including your immediate ambitions. Ideally this should be punchy, precise and no more than three (15-word) sentences.
    2. Key skills, listed as bullet points. Eight points are sufficient; make sure they're relevant to the particular position and concisely written.
    3. Achievements: these should be presented in the same manner as skills, although about three significant achievements are enough.

    Experience The next important part of your CV is your most recent or relevant work experience. The manner in which this is presented depends on which CV type you choose to use. Either way, you should leave enough space on the summary page to include at least the most important outline of your experience. The rest of your experience can follow on page two.

    Note: Try not to clutter the summary page with too much detail. Clear use of bullet points and white space should effectively draw attention to a handful of key points that will prompt the recruiter to read on or even confirm an interview.

    The Contents The rest of the CV should ideally be no longer than two pages, although professionals with a long career history will need more.
    The three sections are:

    • Secondary experience

    • Qualifications

    • Personal summary

    In order to squeeze everything in you're going to have to be ruthless. Qualifications and previous work experience that is unlikely to make a significant impact should be left out.
    For instance, a complete list of Matric or O/A Levels is not necessary if you've subsequently gone on to complete an MBA. Likewise full details of early job roles won't be read if you've made a career change, or if subsequent positions you've held have included far more important responsibilities.

    Here are some details that you can leave out:

    • Details of jobs held more than 10 years ago

    • Minute details of more recent jobs

    • Reasons for leaving a previous job

    • Current and past salaries

    • Failed examinations

    • Nationality and age

    • Details of referees

    • Full details of hobbies and interests

    Work experience This follows on directly from the summary page. Ideally you should aim to squeeze the details of your current or most important recent position onto the summary page, the rest can follow on the second page.

    Job title Using the official title may be misleading, therefore consider rewording it to more accurately describe your role.

    The responsibilities section This is clearly the most important section and will require some clever use of words to keep it brief yet informative. Use bullet points and remember that the aim is simply to catch the recruiter's attention. Elaboration can take place in the interview.
    Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

    • Avoid specific terminology

    • Clearly state what you were accountable for

    Qualifications This section should be quite brief, outlining only your most recent qualifications and any courses which are relevant to the new role.
    Your highest professional qualification is the most important one (i.e. degree) and should be listed first. You may want to follow this with professional courses (e.g. Marketing management diploma), and reserve your secondary level qualifications (e.g. 'A' levels) for last. Details of older qualifications should be left out. Any other relevant courses can be listed below this.

    PC skills These have become an integral part of business management, and most office-based jobs for that matter. It is worth listing software with which you are proficient.

    Layout The name of the qualification should always be mentioned first, thereafter the order is usually determined by the most efficient use of space. Juggling long words is often necessary to optimise the use of each line. Remember to remain consistent.

    Interests and additional information Mentioning personal interests may be an unnecessary waste of space and annoy the reader unless they are likely to show relevant skills which are relevant to your professional profile. Recruiters often take a glancing look at CV summaries for any other useful information.

    If you feel that your interests show that you are a responsible person, show them.

    Customising your CV Each time you apply for a job your CV should be customised to suit that position. This requires assessing the position you are applying for and identifying the key strengths which you can apply to the role.

    Starting with the personal profile, eliminate those strengths which are unlikely to appeal to the specific employer, and then elaborate one or two key areas, particularly experience which is most relevant to the new role. Showing that you've done your homework about a company will certainly impress, and this is where you reveal that.

    The work experience section of your CV is going to need the most work. Minimise previous roles that are not similar to the new job, and elaborate on the responsibilities which are likely to show your suitability for the new position.

    The manner in which your CV is presented is a direct reflection on your own standards of professionalism. 

    Saturday, March 20, 2010

    Student Politics in Pakistan

    Introduced in the era of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, student politics have played a vital role in the demolition of basis of education system in Pakistan. Taking the students to such a path from where almost no return is possible, student unions have also perished the moral, ethical and religious values of our educational society.
    Before student unions were banned by the Zia-ul-Haq dictatorship in 1984, their activities were conducted through regular annual elections in universities and colleges. Student political parties that participated in these elections afterwards became gangster groups which mainly include All Pakistan Mohajir Students Federation (APMSO) and Islami-Jamiat-Tulaba (IJT).

    Prime Minister Gillani removed the ban on student unions in his first speech to the parliament in 2008 and since then the increasing violence in the educational institutes is being witnessed again. Students unions are supposed to work peacefully and their main motive should be to protect the rights of students, but the fact is that political parties are using these unions to strengthen their grip in campuses. All the major public universities are held hostages in the hands of these unions, who enjoy the support of political parties, which could be PPP, JI, PML or MQM. Strengthening student unions may help our political government (which is not the case in Pakistan) but it is not only destroying the environment of the institutes but also wasting the valuable time of students. Allowing student unions gave a way to arms and violence in the campuses. There is no age limit for the leaders of the unions; this is the reason why the same old faces are seen in the campuses for years.

    The idea of unions, as mentioned earlier, is of PPP. If we analyse the voters’ statuses of different political parties, we may see a rough categorization at least. The voters of PPP are mostly the illiterate people, the voters of PML (N) are mostly the educated and the people who can understand the issues of Pakistan, the voters of MQM are mostly the racist people. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto introduced the concept with the thinking that there are many immature and amateur college students who are all in all in their houses and many of them are the most educated and are considered the most intelligent persons in their families. So, he focussed on these students and made them also to convince their families to vote for PPP. Bhutto knew that other unions will not be as successful as PPP student union. Why? Because literate persons mostly were not influenced by the thinking and agendas of PPP and the thought in later years also proved correct. Bhutto proved true and we noticed that other unions were not much successful except Islami-Jamiat-Tulaba (IJT).
    Having a student union may prove a good thing, but when we quote the example of the unions of foreign countries, we should keep in mind that they are independent and free of any political party affiliation.
    Seeing the other side, all the student unions in Pakistan are either affiliated to some political party and/or are part of the youth wing of a political party. This means implanting the top-level corrupt, selfish and killing politics to the level of students. The students who are part of these unions, in majority, are not even willing to qualify the programme for which they registered themselves in college or university. It is a fact that most students join unions because of the power the unions possess, the power that enables students to bully others, teaches them to become leader of nobody and get away with it, the power that allows them to pass the exams without having to open the books, the power of weapons which they can use to demand respect and the power to destroy the roots of our education system.
    The solution is either to regularize the unions like the foreign countries do or to ban them.

    Friday, March 19, 2010

    Indian Budget 2010-2011 has arrived.....Can we expect at least the same kind in Pakistan?


    • Net gains from indirect taxes Rs 46,500 Crores.
    • Account auditing for all income above Rs 15 lacs.
    • Rationalisation of customs duty on gaming software..
    • Toys exempted from excise duty, to become cheaper....
    • Online news agencies to attract service tax......
    • Service Tax rates unchanged but more services to be brought under tax net.....
    • Customs duty on Gold and Platinum hiked.
    • Excise duty on solar panels waived...
    • Jewellery to be more expensive......
    • CDs to be cheaper......
    • Mobile phones to become cheaper.........
    • Refrigerators, TVs and ACs, cigarettes and cement to be costlier......
    • Peak customs duty unchanged at 10%.
    • Excise duty on petrol and diesel raised to Rs 1/litre.
    • 5% duty on crude petroleum restored......
    • Excise on all non smoking tobacco raised.
    • 7.5% duty on petrol and diesel restored.
    • Excise on large cars,SUVs, MUV raised to 22%.
    • Partial rollback in Excise Duty from 10% to 8%.
    • Presumptive tax limit raised to Rs 60 lacs.
    • Deduction of Rs 20,000 on investment in infra bonds.
    • Weighted deduction on R&D raised to 200% from 150%.
    • No tax on Income up to Rs 1.6 lacs.
    • Minimum Alternate tax hiked to 18%
    • 30% tax on income above Rs 8 lacs.
    • 20% tax on income between Rs5 lacs to 8 lacs.
    • 10% tax on income between Rs1.6 lacs to 5 lacs.
    • FY11 net market borrowings pegged at Rs 3.45 lac Cr.
    • IT surcharge withdrawn.
    • FY10 budget deficit seen at 6.9% of GDP.
    • 20 Kms of highway to be constructed everyday.
    • FY12 fiscal deficit target at 4.8%.
    • FY13 fiscal deficit target at 4.1%.
    • Fiscal deficit target of 5.5% in FY11.
    • More than 50% increase in funds for minority welfare.
    • 15% rise in planned expenditure.
    • Govt to set up National Mission for delivery of justice.
    • Defence capex raised to Rs 60000 Cr.
    • Gross tax receipts of Rs 7.46 Lac Cr.
    • Allocation fund to defence raised to Rs 1.47 lac Cr.
    • Skill development programme for textile sector.
    • Home loans up to Rs 20 lacs to get intrest subvention of 1% up to March 11.
    • Government to contribute Rs 1000 per month for pension security.
    • Rs 5400 Cr. allocated for urban development.
    • Rs 66100 Cr. allocated for rural development.
    • Rs 2400 Cr. for MSMEs.
    • Pvt. sector to meet food grain storage deficit.
    • Rs 100 Cr. woman farmer fund scheme.
    • Rs 1,900 Cr. allocated for UID project.
    • Social Security Fund to have corpus of over Rs 1000 Cr.
    • National Social Security fund for unorganised workers.
    • Intrest subvention for housing loans up to 1 lacs.
    • Allocation Package of Rs 1200 Cr. assistance for drought in Bundelkhand.
    • NREGA scheme allocation raised to Rs 41000 Cr.
    • Budget Allocation to health Rs 22,300 Cr.
    • Spend to funds on 'Social Sector' of Rs 1.38 lakh Cr.
    • Allocation fund to school education from Rs.26,800 Cr. to Rs.31,036 Cr.
    • Allocation fund to power sector of Rs 5130 Cr.
    • Allocation fund Rs.200 Cr. for Tamilnadu textile sector.
    • Established clean energy fund.
    • 25% of plan allocation for rural infrastructure.
    • Allotment for renewable energy hiked by 61%.
    • Setup Coal regulatory authority.
    • Road development hiked to Rs 19894 Cr.
    • Rs 1.73 lakh Cr. which is 46% of total plan outlay, reserved for infrastructure development.
    • 2% loan subsidy to farmers.
    • Farm credit targets increased to Rs 3.75 lakh Cr.
    • Payment of Farm loan extended for six months.
    • Interest subvention of 2% extended for handicrafts and SMEs.
    • Allocation of Rs 3000 Cr. for agricultural impetus.
    • Rs 165,000 Cr. additional for bank re-capitalisation.
    • Interest subvention for exports, extended for one year.
    • Chances of banking licenses to Pvt cos and NBFCs from RBI.
    • Foreign direct Investment (FDI) policy to made more user friendly
    • Reduce to 'Fertilizer Subsidy'.
    • Target of divestment Rs 25,000 Cr.
    • GST will implement from 2011
    • Plan to implement 'Direct Tax Code' from April 2011
    • Strategy to exit for fiscal stimulus
    • Review to stimulus packages.
    • Significant private investment inflow expected to boost GDP
    • Economy can achieve GDP growth of 10%
    • Established that FY 2009-10 was a challenging year
    • Need to improve food security and healthcare systems
    • Indian economy in far better position than last year